On-Track Coaching with Matt Mueller

Eagles Canyon Raceway

In partnership with:

ECR is the arguably the best circuit in the region if not the country. It provides an unparalleled opportunity to develop your skills. The 2.7 mile circuit is the ideal place for perfecting braking technique, learning to build a corner line, improving corner speed, and building trust in your abilities.

Lessons include:

·      Up to six 30-minute on-track sessions

·      Classroom session following on-track sessions

·      Video recording and review of your riding

·      Collaborative effort to help you reach your goals

·      Line building

·      Body position

·      Braking technique

·      Corner exit

Fees include coaching and track access.

G2 Motorsports Park, Motorsports Ranch Cresson and Circuit of the Americas presented in partnership with:

For 2023 we are excited to expand 1:1 coaching offerings to include three more of Texas’ best race tracks. Access to these tracks is provided by Ride Smart. Exact schedule will be determined by the structure of the event. Most days will include five 25 minute on-track sessions followed by 30 minutes of classroom instruction as well as 1:1 track walk/drive prior to the event at MSRC and G2. For all events with track access provided by Ride Smart, students will be required to tape all lights and tape or reflective items or surfaces (license plates and mirrors).

Lessons include:

·      Up to five 25-minute on-track sessions

·      Private classroom session following on-track sessions

·      Video recording and review of your riding

·      Collaborative effort to help you reach your goals

·      Line building

·      Body position

·      Braking technique

·      Corner exit

Fees include coaching and track access.